Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sparkly Things

I am so very excited to have entered the final trimester of my pregnancy. It means we are THATMUCH closer to finally getting to meet Gummy Bear! Seeing as how time is truly sneaking on by, I have begun to spend my time thinking about something VERY important......

Family Rings!!!

I love me some bling.

Below I have designed two rings, both the same layout, but with a different stone for the new baby because he/she is due on October it could go either way!

Here is the first one with the birth stone for October:

Here is the ring with the baby being born in September:

The stones are in order from Mommy (Diamond), Daddy (Garnet), Rockstar Daughter (Diamond), and Gummy Bear (Rose Zircon, which I've never heard of, OR Sapphire)

My personal fave is the second ring with the September stone.

I guess that means I will be doing whatever I need to get this lil monster outta there by the end of September. Hmmm, I wonder if he/she will respond to bribery as well as his/her big sister?

Babies n' new jewellery....what a combo!

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