Friday, July 27, 2012

30 Day Challenge - Someone I want to give a second chance

Dear Fibre Op (OK, I know its not a person...get off my back)

I woke up this morning and noticed that you some how erased ALL my PVR'd shows that were being stored for a rainy day. Why? Have I done something to hurt you?

One more chance...that's all you get. Do it again, and I'm cancelling your ass.


30 Day Challenge - The last person I kissed

Dear Mark,

"I can't believe we are married". Its true. I know you always think that I'm saying it in a way I don't mean. I really mean that I can't believe that I found someone as sweet and caring as you AND that he lived 5 houses up my street my WHOLE entire life. Thats so bizarre to me! It was meant to be. I can't really remember what life was like before you. Our relationship was fast and intense and fun from the beginning. It didn't take me long to realize it was you that was missing from Rhyan and I's life. You joined our little family and we have been a team of 3 (until Miss A - now it's 4). I wouldn't trade my life for anyone elses. Also, it sure helped that you share a first name with the only celebrity on my "list". I love you.


30 Day Challenge - Someone I judged by my first impression

Dear teenage boy cashier at Wal-Mart,

At first I just assumed you wouldn't affect my cashing out in any kind of way, good or bad, or offer any smiles or small talk. You sure surprised me! You were so friendly and funny.

I think your good natured personality is being wasted.


30 Day Challenge - Someone that broke your heart the hardest

Dear Blank,

You suck.


30 Day Challenge - Someone that pesters my mind...good or bad

These girls don't "pester" my mind....but they are always on it.

Dear Rhyan and Aedhyn-Ann,

You are always in my thoughts. Always. I know that everything I do, have done and will do in the future affects you in some way. Because of that you are both the very first thing I think of when I wake up just like you are both the very last thing I think about before I fall to sleep. I only want good things for you. I work hard everyday to be the mother you deserve. Some days I fall short, but I'm only human, and other days I make up for those shortcomings with special treats or fun one on one time. My girls are my whole heart. You are both my "sunshine".



Friday, July 6, 2012

30 Day Challenge - The person I want to be

Dear PERFECT Sheena,

Your husband knows how much you love and treasure him and somehow you never get bitchy with him over stupid things. I love how you don't sweat the small stuff and try to live life day by day. You never want to call in sick and always wake up exactly when your alarm goes off, never pushing snooze...not even once, forget about twice. You never have cravings for chocolate or doritos and eat an apple every day! You're an expert flosser and it makes you so proud to not have the dental hygienist give you lectures every 6 months. You always give people the benefit of the doubt, and you don't judge others. You couldn't care less what others think of you and never let anything anyone has to say bother you! You always have time to do your hair and make up perfectly and never lose your blow dryer. You never complain about emptying the green bin or doing the dishes. You don't get overly competitive during simple board games, you never stalk your teenager via Facebook.

I want every statement you just read to be true. There are some days they are closer to being true then others, but nobody is perfect! :)

The REAL Sheena

Thursday, July 5, 2012

30 Day Challenge - Someone from my childhood

How do I choose?

Dear Jordan Knight,

You were and still are my favorite New Kid. I can't quite hit that high note you do during "Step by Step", but man oh man, I'm going to keep trying. You don't even realize how close my childhood BFF Tara-Lee and I came to having a throw down over you. I tried to tell her you prefer brunettes to blondes, but she wouldn't listen.


30 Day Challenge - Someone not in my Province/Country

Dear People of Newfoundland,

Can you all throw a couple bucks in towards a trip for me to come there? Without sounding too demanding, I'd like it to be during the George Street Festival. I'd like to stay here:

May as well throw in some food and beer money.

Much thanks,


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

30 Day Challenge - The person I miss the most

Dear Amber,

I know we tell each other all the time how much we miss each other, I think I miss you more. I don't have any reason why, I just know its true. I think about you everyday. I'm always torn between being mad that my best friend is in Alberta and being so incredibly happy for you and how much you have accomplished since moving there. Way to make it complicated...jerk.

You are one of the happiest, funniest, smartest, most beautiful and caring people I have ever met. Your friendship has meant the world to me. I'm beyond thrilled that you found a great man like Ryan. Although I know that you are independent and will never NEED someone to keep you safe, I know in my heart that Ryan is the man that will do just that.

Love you
Miss you


See you in August :)

30 Day Challenge - Someone I have drifted away from

Dear friends from Junior High,

Did you have as much fun during those 3 years as I had? So many laughs and good times! I really loved my years at MacLennan Junior High. I loved the person I was becoming and all my friends who were all a huge part of that process. I still consider some of you to be my good friend. For those of you who I don't see anymore, thank you for helping me come out of my shell and giving me so many happy, funny memories. I'm very appreciative!
