I know I have mentioned my friends in previous posts, but this one should paint a pretty good picture about how special they all are.
I have to begin the story with revisiting the BBQ Baby Shower when I first began to get little tinges in my belly that felt, well, a lot like contractions. I was experiencing these lovely little suckers off and on all day and well into the evening. I didn't tell anyone because I knew they were Braxton Hicks contractions. I knew this because they were very sporadic, sometimes with 45 minutes to 1 hour between them and would only last about 20-30 seconds at the longest. So, after telling my hubby when everyone was gone for the night we had come to the conclusion that we were not going to be able to make a scheduled trip out of town the next weekend (Labour Day, ironically haha). This doesn't sound all that upsetting, but let me tell you the reason for the trip was to be able to see some of my bestest best friends in the world. We were all meeting half way between Halifax and Cape Breton in Antigonish. Three of us travelling from the Cape and two from Hali. So now you can imagine how absolutely crushed I was. I cried, and sooked and felt sorry for myself. My friends all understood of course, they knew I was concerned about going into labour early, away from home, and they all agreed with us, better safe then sorry.
Well, Thursday night started out like any other. Hubby got home from work, he and I and Rockstar Daughter were lounging in the living room, watching TV and talking about the day's activities when I heard a car door slam. Not thinking much of it, I just waited to see who it was, minding my own business. Little did I know that the sneaky BFF, who travelled all day from Halifax to see me was slowly walking up my front steps! When I finally went to the door I couldn't believe it! She has been living in Red Deer, Alberta for quite a few years now and we only get to see each other once a year, if we are lucky. I was shocked! Totally floored, I still can't believe that I am fortunate enough to have a Bestie like her who would take all that precious time out of her tightly packed trip East to drive to our Happy Little Home just to see me!! I cry just thinking about it.
After introductions were made between Hubby and I and her Boyfriend who we had yet to meet up until then (Unless creeping on Facebook actually counts as "meeting" someone) we all sat down and took a load off. I'm sure I must looked like a wiener with my huge silly grin, that I have yet to lose but I just couldn't help it!
Turns out Hubby, Ma and Pa H, Sissy, and other Bestie's K and N were in on it to! Moments after welcoming Bestie A and her man I was told everyone was coming over for a little party complete with BBQ and Big Brother!
The only thing missing was Bestie AP who was stuck in Hali due to her job at one of the busiest hotels in downtown :(
Thank you all for the surprise! I usually don't like to be taken off guard, but since it was so fun and sweet, I already forgave them all :)
Oh, but it gets better! Bestie A, then proceeds to show me her ring finger on her left hand very slyly....yep, that's right! On the long drive to the Cape, her lovely man asked her to marry him! Awwww! The ring is BEE-U-TEE-FUL. They are a wonderful couple, very happy and cute, and we are so happy for them! Congrats my lovelies, we cannot wait for the big day.
Ok, as if that wasn't enough to send this already-contracting preggo into an excitement-induced labour Bestie A then asks me to be her Maid of Honour! Wow! I'm so excited!! Of course I said yes and Hubby and I have already started transferring money into our savings account for the big trip to Alberta next year! Thank you for asking me to be a part of your day. I love you, A!
So that means, around this time next year, Red Deer will be a dangerous place considering that myself and 3 of the other bridesmaids will be travelling there from Cape Breton! Woo hoo! How exciting!
Hope you enjoyed reading about my little surprise as much as I liked living it. These girls are some of the most amazing people in the world....and Mamabear is the one who calls them all her best friends? What did I do to become this lucky?
*Please try not to notice all the times I used the word "Bestie" in this post (there are at least 6), I just don't have a better word to describe these ladies.
Awww-thats so sweet! And a lot of big excitment!!!