Tuesday, June 19, 2012

30 Day Challenge - Someone deceased that I would like to talk to.

Dear Papa Hardy,

I didn't get to know you very well in the 7 years I had with you before you passed away, but I still feel as though you "get me". Not sure how I can explain it, but I just know you understand me and I feel like I understood you and who you were/are. The title of this post is supposed to be directed at someone who I would like to talk to...but I'm cheating a bit because I do talk to you in my head. All the time. Sometimes it's about things that are going on in my life that I need to get off my chest and can be overwhelming but I can't bring myself to say them out loud to anyone right away and sometimes it's about a silly thing one of the girls did or said that day. I don't expect you to answer me back, I can imagine you have quite a few people like me talking to you everyday. You're busy just taking it all in.

Thanks for listening.



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