Thursday, September 22, 2011

3 months later.

I am hands down the WORST blogger in the history of the world. 3 Months? What's my problem? I know what your thinking...."Sheena, don't be so hard on yourself. Afterall, you do work 2 jobs (presently 3 up until 2 months ago), have an 11.5 month old monster who doesn't sleep, a teenager who is involved in every sport possible, have a major renovation happening in your home, preparing for a trip across the country,etc." Ahem. Ok, I feel much better! Thanks!! :)

In all seriousness, I had every intention to keep writing here and there. Well, we can all see how that worked out!

Maybe to ease back into it I will use this post as a plea for help:
Someone, anyone PLEASE tell me how to make my baby sleep longer than 3 hour stretches.....I BEG you! And, let me stop you right there, if you suggest "Let her cry it out" I won't. We tried that. And failed. Miserably. We barely let her whimper. I CAN'T HELP IT! So, if you have any other ideas........

1 comment:

  1. Blog looks lovely! I usually read it in my Google Reader, so I haven't seen it all spiffy ;) Nice!

    Wish I had some ideas re: the sleep issue. We did our own variation of cry it out that suited our family and it worked OK for us, but it's definitely really tough.

    We found this book helpful:

    Good luck! xo


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