Time sure does fly when your having fun! It's hard to believe that our Angel is almost 3 weeks old already (18 days to be exact!). She has been a source of constant joy here in our Happy Little Home. Hubby and I are always reminding ourselves how lucky we are to have our two beauitful, healthy girls here with us. Rockstar Daughter has been my rock so far, and I know she will continue on doing what she is doing! She loves her little sister so very much, and it's already obvious how much her little sister loves her back! It makes my heart skip a beat when I think of them. You wouldn't believe how comfortable she is holding, changing, feeding, snuggling and talking to her baby sister. I'm so proud of her, I know that when I was an 11 year old girl, there was no way I would've been so confident around babies as she is. This trait will surely be a great asset to her later on in life. :)
As for our newest Angel, she has already surpassed her birth weight and is doing wonderful! She is already holding her head up by herself and really enjoys "Tummy Time", which was something I was not looking forward to myself. She is also doing marvelous with breastfeeding. I'm thankful I am able to provide this for her, because I know of more then a few friends who tried but for one reason or another could not continue. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones who could!
Even though this was my second pregnancy and second child, nothing can prepare you for the intense labour and delivery and also the pure joy and happiness you feel after. Nothing compares to giving birth and being a parent. Our little family feels so complete now. We are so blessed with our girls and each other.
Maybe it's the hormones but this post made me a little emotional ;) I'm so glad everything is working out so well for you! Congrats again!