Friday, March 1, 2013

Ahem...anybody out there?

Oh my. Its been quite a long time since I've posted anything. I don't even have a reason because I am on this page at least once a day to get quick access to my favorite blogs. I.Just.Suck. At least I'm being honest and not making up any excuses, right?

So, maybe some quick updates from our Happy Little Home?

Since I've last posted, Mark and I celebrated our 4th wedding Anniversary! Time flies! We didn't do much because for reasons that I've since forgotten, we chose to get married on the 20th of bloody December! Um...hello!?! Christmas Panic mode is in full force then. We were lucky we had time to eat supper together at home never mind going out somewhere. I do love that we had a Christmas Wedding, I really do. I don't need anything fancy to celebrate our Anniversary anyways, it was just as nice to watch a movie on the couch with a fire roaring away. :)

Rhyan is in Club Volleyball mode as we speak. Lots of practices, games, fundraisers and watching our girl kick ass and take names on the court! Shes doing fantastic this year. There is something so rewarding about watching your daughter do something she truly loves and seeing her be her natural self with some of her best friends. I'd drive anywhere and do anything to keep her in this sport. She has made some life long friendships with girls she wouldn't have otherwise even met if it wasn't for Volleyball. She's babysitting all the time, making herself money and hoarding it away in true Rhyan fashion. Not sure where she gets that from. certainly isn't her mother! She's doing great in school and is just making us smile and laugh everyday with her wicked sense of humor and beautiful smile. 14 is just one month away. Gulp. We made it this far...we can do it we can do it we can do it!

Aedhyn-Ann is 2 and full of the devil. You just never know what this kid is going to say or do. She keeps us on our toes (Especially in public). Shes fully potty trained and sleeps in her big girl bed...well, until she wakes up and wants to snuggle in Mommy and Daddy's bed...then its Daddy who sleeps in the big girl bed while Mommy and Aedhyn get comfy in our room. I absolutely love to sleep with her. Its one of my favorite things to do. I loved sleeping with Rhyan too! She and I shared a bed until she was 7 years old! Sure she had her own bed, and would always start the night out there, but she would stumble into my bed by midnight. I know what you're thinking! But I don't care. They are only young once so I'm going to soak it up and milk every last moment I can. Aedhyn-Ann now goes to a private Daycare and she loves it. She is really fitting in there and talks about her friends all the time. Her teacher, Cheryl, is one of the sweetest women I've ever met. Her home is so relaxed and peaceful and I can say with 100% honesty that I'm completely worry free the entire time shes there.

I hope all is well with everyone who stumbles upon my posts and I can't promise I will be back soon, but I can try! :)


1 comment:

  1. great reading an update on you and your beautiful family. I hear you about soaking it all in. I remind myself of that daily - gotta stop to smell the roses (or in my case - milk breath ;)


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