Two of my favorite blogs have both recently added this post to their delicious line up of good reads, so seeing as how I have MAJAH diffculty coming up with my own creative ideas, I'm just going to pull another copycat.
Five things you may not know about me:
1. I have pictures of my family everywhere in my home. To me, a portrait of someone I love is the most beautiful piece of art I could own. We do have a few landscape photos (2 to be exact) but give me a choice and I will ALWAYS go for the picture of a live person.
2. I am one of those moms who sit on the floor and really get into playing. Even when Rhyan was a baby I always loved to really get in there and get down to business. Whether it be reading books over and over and over, building wobbly towers just to have them knocked over in a squeal of laughter or giving funny, exagerrated voices to barbies, thats just how I roll.
3. I have never, ever tried smoking cigarettes. Ever. Ask all of those boys I hung out with during "those years" of experimenting.
4. I have over 100 cousins on my mother's side of the family. This includes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,etc. Some of these people I havent even met or wouldn't recognize, but that doesn't stop my great great nanny from giving us updates everytime we visit her. We are thankful to have Nanny Pearl as our connection.
5. There is a VERY disturbing video out there of me. Doing the "Running Man". To Ice, Ice Baby. For 3 loooonnnngggg minutes. During my mushroom cut years. I thought you loved me, dad?
Five things I'm knowledgeable about:
1. Micheal Jackson. I know too much about this man. Go ahead. Test me.
2. Music. Well, I should clarify. Not all music. I don't like rap, angry screaming boys music, classical or jazz. But if it doesn't fall into those categories, theres a pretty good frickin chance that I know the lyrics or have at least heard it a few times and can hum along.
3. Math. I'm good with numbers. I wish I had the same ability with words!!
4. Children. Not just talking about my children, I work with kids, most of whom have some sort of disability. I love using techniques and appraoches that I've learned and picked up from my experiences. I've been lucky enough to be trained by some of the best in our area. I'm so thankful.
5. Volleyball. OK truth be told, if this category was entitled "Somewhat knowledgable" about, Volleyball would be at the top of this list. I always try to involve myself in whatever Rhyan is interested in, and for the past 3 years, this sport has been her number one!
Five things I know nothing about:
1. Chemistry. Totally skipped this in High School. Most of you know that I was a very young mom, and when it was time for my sweet girl to be born, this class was one of the sacrifices I had to make. Although I'm not too broken up about missing out on this, it would be nice to have a basic understanding since Hubster has a Science Degree and speaks in riddles regarding this subject. Don't fret though! This chick STILL managed to graduate ON TIME and a pretty good average ifidosaysomyself.
2. Physics. Read above.
3. Fashion. I wear what is comfy and as long as I think it looks decent, I'm happy.
4. History. Now,I WAS present in History class in HS but I'm ashamed to admit I didn't retain much. Sorry, Mr. Moore.
5. Little boys. My family is grossly over populated with females. I've never really spent a whole lot of time with little boys, besides working within the CBVRSB, my experiences are VERY limited.
Five things I believe:
1. I believe in treating others how you want to be treated.
2. I believe in giving someone the benefit of the doubt and I try not to jump to conclusions. HOWEVER, there are some people who might as well have EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE tattooed on their face.
3. I believe in Karma.
4. I believe in the power of laughter.
5. I believe in myself.